Introduction to regenerative business

The Introduction to regenerative business course is designed for small teams as well as large organisations.






Per Week

The Introduction to regenerative business course is designed for small teams as well as large organisations.






Per Week

This course offers a mix of videos, interviews, applied learning exercises and weekly live sessions with experts and the community.

It is designed for companies wanting to go beyond reducing negative impact, to start out on the path towards regenerative business, which means operating according to living principles, within planetary boundaries.

The Butterfly School approach is twofold :

Business : looking at business model transformation, analysing concrete case studies of companies who have started to pave the way to regenerative business.

Cultural : questionning the logic of volumetric growth and changing the way we look at the role of business.

Course content

60+ microlearning videos, applied learning exercises,
weekly live sessions, 20+ pathfinder interviews.

Week 01
Drawing on the principles of life
We will connect you to the tremendous creative capacity of living systems, and help you adopt principles that govern living entities, by applying them in your daily life.
Week 02
Deconstructing volumetric growth
With simplicity, humour and empathy, we will understand and deconstruct the volumetric logic at work in most of our companies today. This logic is largely responsible for the ecological crises of our time.
Week 03
Encountering regenerative business (1/2)
We will learn to replace this volumetric growth model with steps and practical tools for regenerative business. You will discover how a company is a living system, intimately linked to living ecosystems, with which it needs to enter into balance.
Week 04
Slow down
We will benefit from a week’s break to slow down, digest what we’re learning, catch up on content… A time to reflect on how our thinking is evolving.
Week 05
Encountering regenerative business (2/2)
You will learn what truly regenerative relationships with living ecosystems are like, relationships that encourage co-creation, and create butterfly effects within and far beyond any company.
Week 06
Analysing live cases (1/2)
We visit some regenerative businesses and learn to discern how they put living principles into practice
Week 07
Slow down
Another week’s break to slow down, catch up, reflect and practice what you’re learning.
Week 08
Analysing live cases (2/2)
We visit some regenerative businesses and learn to discern how they put living principles into practice
Week 09
Slow down
A final break to slow down, catch up, reflect and practice what you’re learning.
Week 10
Preparing for tomorrow
Fermer la fenêtre
Applied learning
Concrete situations will allow you to develop your observation skills, to adopt living systems thinking and to change your view on your company, on the world and on yourself. The intention is to support you to become an changemaker in your organisation.
Applied learning
Concrete situations will allow you to develop your observation skills, to adopt living systems thinking and to change your view on your company, on the world and on yourself. The intention is to support you to become an changemaker in your organisation.
Two weekly Live sessions
Each week, Live sessions with your cohort will allow you to take a look together at the past week, to confront your assumptions about existing business models, to imagine new avenues, and to question in depth your current view of the world. All Live sessions are recorded and available on the learning platform for 6 months.
Two weekly Live sessions
Each week, Live sessions with your cohort will allow you to take a look together at the past week, to confront your assumptions about existing business models, to imagine new avenues, and to question in depth your current view of the world. All Live sessions are recorded and available on the learning platform for 6 months.

Pathfinders showing the way

International practitioners will enlighten you through their experience via audio or video podcasts. You will discover their vision, they will share their learning, their advice.

Étienne Klein
bio description
Fermer la fenêtre
Through this course you will develop the ability to :
your business as a living system, contributing to wider living systems.
9 living principles in your daily work and life.
how a living company interacts with and impacts its living ecosystems, in a rigorous and structured way.
the key steps towards regenerative business in your company.
the potential for creating business opportunities by putting a regenerative approach into action.
a community of pioneers, committed to the path of regenerative business.
2000€ HT

for companies

1000€ HT

for the self-employed / not-for-profit / public sector


Satisfaction level





pioneers on board


Satisfaction level





pioneers on board


Carine de Boissezon

Chief Impact Officer at EDF


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